"Am I my body?" Mind-body-spirit in childbirth (Part one) - Unleashing the Power of Mind, Body, and Spirit Connection in Childbirth


Childbirth is a powerful and transformative experience that can awaken the spiritual side of women in many ways. As French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once said, "we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

As a mother and midwife, I have witnessed the presence of life miracles and incredible self-transcendence in women's lives, particularly through the birthing process. Through my own experiences and those of the women I have assisted, I have come to understand the importance of the mind, body, and spirit connection in childbirth.

It's important to note that we are all spiritual in essence, and more and more people are becoming aware of this spiritual essence. Childbirth is a great opportunity to tap into this spiritual essence and understand the connection between the mind, body, and spirit.

In this blog series, I hope to shed some light on the mind-body-spirit connection in childbirth and help women understand the importance of recognizing their spiritual essence in the birthing process.

In this first part of a series on "The Mind-Body-Spirit in Childbirth," I will begin by sharing a real birth story to illustrate the connection between mind, body, and spirit. I will explore the meaning of spirituality and the health benefits of being spiritual beings in childbirth. Additionally, I will delve into how the mind, body, and spirit are interrelated in women's bodies during pregnancy, labor, birth, and motherhood.


A birth story

At 2:30 in the morning, my phone rang. It was Terry, the husband of one of my expecting mothers, Amy. He informed me that he believed Amy was in labor, and they were on their way to the hospital. I quickly got ready and headed to the birthing suite.

When I arrived, I found Amy contracting and in labor. I greeted her with excitement and a hug, as she had previously told me that her baby was going to arrive that day.

As her contractions grew stronger and closer together, I asked her if she wanted me to break her water, but she said she wanted to do it naturally. Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was Amy's mother and two young sons. They came in to wait for the arrival of their new baby sister.

Amy's contractions continued to become stronger, but she coped well and moved around in different positions. Her mother and sons sat quietly in the corner, waiting for the baby to arrive. After a long and strong contraction, Amy said she felt the urge to push. I could see the baby's hair, and soon a beautiful Maori baby girl was born, crying on Amy's chest. The boys excitedly announced, "Grace, She is my sister!"

After the birth, I tied a knot with a harakeke thread on the baby's umbilical cord and placed the placenta, or whanau, into a bag for Amy to bury on her ancestral land.

It was a beautiful birth, and I feel honored to have been a part of this special moment for the family.

What is the mind, body, and spirit connection?

When we think about it deeply, a birth story like the one I experienced as a midwife in New Zealand is so much more than just a normal birth story. It is a story that showcases the beliefs, values, identity, culture, energy, spirit, goal, and purpose of life of the mother, Amy. It also highlights the interplay between her thinking, feeling, and decision-making, all of which are the immortal aspects of her being. Her spiritual essence drove her body to function for its purpose, and her body responded to it by maximizing its inner instinctual capacity for birthing. This interrelationship is evidence of the mind, body, and spirit connection.

The concept of mind, body, and spirit is something that can be defined and understood in many different ways, and some people often talk about it in connection with the soul. Based on my understanding of quantum physics and neuroscience, mind, body, spirit, and soul can be compared to computer work.

  1. Electricity (energy, power) = SPIRIT

  2. Hardware (CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.) = BODY

  3. Software (google chrome, excel, Microsoft word, Gmail. etc.) = MIND

    The MIND (software) is the gravitational field surrounding a body and has an energy force. It is the thoughts we make from the experience in life, either conscious or unconscious. Inside the thought are the deep-seated memories containing information, emotions, knowledge, and data. The mind controls the brain, and the brain drives the physical body to function. The mind interacts with the body and spirit by exchanging thoughts all the time, just like the relationship between software, hardware, and electricity.

    The BODY (hardware) is the physical part of humanity, including the brain and body. It has the chemicals or molecules that thoughts produce in response to the mind and spirit.

    The SPIRIT (electricity) is an immaterial part of humanity, and it is the energy source for the mind and body. It has infinite higher power, and it feeds the mind and body with infinite energy to function; on the other hand, it needs the mind and body to let it manifest and unfold.

    The SOUL (the creator of electricity, hardware, and software) is an eternal and immortal part of humanity, whether alive on earth or in the afterlife. It is the essence of who we truly are at our very core.

Just like a computer needs electricity (energy, power) to function, a human being needs SPIRIT (energy) to function. The hardware (CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.) in a computer is similar to the BODY (the physical part of humanity, including the brain and body) in a human being. The software (google chrome, excel, Microsoft word, Gmail, etc.) in a computer is similar to the MIND (thoughts and memories) of a human being. The software (MIND) needs to be installed into the hardware (BODY) of the CPU to be executed, and without hardware (BODY), the software (MIND) would be useless. Similarly, the MIND controls the brain, and the brain drives the physical BODY to function.

Just like electricity, hardware, and software are interrelated in a computer, the mind, body, and spirit are interrelated in a human being. The mind interacts with the body and spirit by exchanging thoughts all the time. The spirit (electricity) is an immaterial part of humanity and is the energy source for the mind and body. It has infinite higher power, and it feeds the mind and body with infinite energy to function; on the other hand, it needs the mind and body to let it manifest and unfold. The soul (the creator of electricity, hardware, and software) is an eternal and immortal part of humanity, whether alive on earth or in the afterlife. It is the essence of who we truly are at our very core.

In this birth story, we can see the interplay between Amy's mind, body, and spirit as she gave birth to her child. Her spiritual essence drove her body to function for its purpose, and her body responded to it by maximizing its inner instinctual capacity for birthing. This interrelationship is evidence of the mind, body, and spirit connection.


How are the mind, body, and spirit interrelated?

As a society, we have long understood the connection between the mind and the body, but recent advancements in neuroscience have allowed us to delve even deeper into this relationship. Neuroscience tells us that the mind controls the brain, and in turn, the brain controls the body. This means that our thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on our physical health.

Just as we can understand the relationship between electricity, hardware, and software in a computer, we can also understand the interrelationship of the mind, body, and spirit in humanity at the quantum level.

A positive mindset, or loving spirit, connects us with unlimited sources of energy, wisdom, guidance, and power. It is all about the purpose and meaning of life. With positive thoughts, the brain produces loving hormones for the body. The body works perfectly for its purpose of serving an undivided goal, such as renewing and regenerating cells, organs, and DNA. For example, if we are physically sick but have a positive mindset and attitude about it, we would believe that we will get well soon or at least live well with it if it is incurable. Our body responds to this by releasing healthy chemicals or molecules that promote these healing and recovery processes.

On the other hand, an unloving spirit produces negative thoughts and emotions, such as toxic stress, fear, doubt, anxiety, and depression. Prolonged exposure to these negative thoughts and emotions can release toxic stress hormones and chemicals that can potentially change the DNA in the cells of our body, leading to increased blood pressure, overreacted immune responses, and mental and physical illnesses. The body's experience can be a red flag for the mind and spirit to reflect on its understanding, managing, and coping with the issues for further decision-making.

Research has shown that most human diseases are stress-related and lifestyle illnesses, such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and autoimmune diseases, which are completely manageable and preventable.

Being spiritual and mindful doesn't mean we should give up classic sciences that are based on what we can see, touch, and feel. The causes of some illnesses are very complicated and beyond what our current classic sciences can explain. Using quantum physics, the fundamental physics in the scientific field, shows us the connection between mind and body is real and important; we can improve our health by managing our minds through thinking, feeling, and choosing differently.

It is important to understand the interplay between our mind, body, and spirit and how they are connected. Positive thoughts and attitudes can lead to a healthier mind and body, while negative thoughts can lead to stress and illness. Being mindful and spiritual can help us improve our health and well-being by understanding the connection between the mind and body.

We have the power to choose whether to strengthen, renew, and regenerate the cells or weaken, destroy, or degenerate them.


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It's clear that a positive mind, healthy body, and loving spirit are essential elements for human well-being. They help us avoid toxic stress, stress-related illness, and a life without purpose. As human beings, we all want to be well, healthy, and free of illness. But what exactly are health and wellness?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Wellness, on the other hand, is the optimal state of health in physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual dimensions.

Being spiritual and keeping the mind, body, and spirit connection is a holistic, integrative approach to our health and well-being. It's not just about treating symptoms or managing diseases but about understanding the interconnectedness of our physical, mental, and spiritual selves and working to optimize them all.

By focusing on our mind, body, and spirit, we can improve our overall health and well-being. This holistic approach helps us to maintain a healthy balance and to make the most of our lives. We can live a life of purpose, joy, and meaning by keeping our mind, body, and spirit in harmony.


What is spirituality? Why is spirituality so important for our well-being?

In the mind, body, and spirit connection, the spirit is the essential essence of a person. The experiences and expressions that the spirit has presented in a person's inner world of values, beliefs, and goals, as well as seeking meaning and purpose in life, which is part of a person's spirituality, may or may not be related to religion.

Everyone has spirituality, even those who have faced trauma or illness. Spirituality is about a personal search for meaning and purpose in life. It is an important element of well-being in our lives in physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. It gives us love, hope, beliefs, values, goals, and a sense of peace, joy, satisfaction, wholeness, balance, fear-free, and stress-free. It enhances our relationships with ourselves, our family, and others to build a fulfilled and joyful life with our alignment. It empowers us to understand, manage, and cope with physical or emotional trauma and promotes healing.

Research in healthcare continues to prove the effectiveness of spirituality. People with spiritual beliefs tend to live longer, cope well with day-to-day life, and recover better from any form of trauma. In addition, spirituality can also bring us together and offer a strong sense of community to support each other and also be supported in the community.

With a good understanding of spirituality, we allow ourselves to receive the flow of wellness through our experience. We can keep our mind, body, and spirit in harmony to enjoy life with joy, meaning, and purpose, even when under great stress over something, such as illness. The flow of wellness is always flowing to us. When we block ourselves from the flow of wellness, the mind, body, and spirit are unbalanced, in which physical and mental illnesses can start to occur.

Many factors influence our lives to identify where we belong, such as our personal history, upbringing, culture, beliefs, values, social interaction, and education. Our well-being includes physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social dimensions. Having a holistic approach offers many benefits to our lives, especially during childbirth. Childbirth offers women a unique opportunity to awaken their spirituality. It makes them pay more attention to the mind, body, and spirit connection for the well-being of themselves and their babies.


The mind, body, and spirit connection in childbirth

Childbirth has long been linked to spirituality and religious ritual, both in Western and Eastern traditions. However, as the biomedical practice of childbirth has developed over the last century, this connection to religion has evolved into a connection to culture. Today, many women may feel that their mind-body connection is not being fully cared for by modern medicine. They may be afraid of labor pain and giving birth and may rely solely on material approaches to therapy, such as epidurals or elective c-sections, without any medical indication.

However, spirituality can play a crucial role in helping pregnant women connect to their inner instinctual ability to give birth. By connecting to a higher power for wisdom, guidance, and advice, expectant mothers can build strength to better understand, manage, and cope with labor pain. They can also pay more attention to their bodies and know when to seek professional attention if an adverse outcome occurs during childbirth. Additionally, spirituality can guide new mothers as they transition to motherhood, both physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Ultimately, the unique benefit of spiritually giving birth is the power of self-transcendence. Every woman wants a healthy pregnancy, normal childbirth, and a well-born baby. Spirituality can provide the support and guidance to achieve this goal and make the journey a more meaningful and fulfilling experience.


How do the mind, body, and spirit interrelated in childbirth?

As we all know, different thoughts can cause different effects. And this is especially true when it comes to childbirth. The thoughts and beliefs of the laboring woman can greatly alter the physiological process of birth and have a significant impact on the outcome for both the mother and the baby.

During pregnancy, it is crucial for the mother to connect her mind, body, and spirit. This means not only eating healthy and exercising regularly but also living mindfully and spiritually every day. Having a stress-free, positive mindset and healthy relationships with herself, her family, and her finances and social life can greatly contribute to the health and happiness of both the mother and the baby. Studies have shown that the emotions of the expectant mother can greatly affect her growing baby, with fear, doubt, stress, anxiety, and depression causing the release of toxic stress hormones in the mother's brain, which can then enter the bloodstream, placenta, and ultimately the baby's system.

The labor and birth stage is particularly crucial for the laboring woman to have a positive mindset and a strong emotional and spiritual connection with her body. Positive beliefs and thoughts can encourage the release of loving hormones, such as oxytocin, which is key in promoting the physiology of childbirth. This can lead to more effective and coordinated contractions, a dilated cervix, and a descended baby's head, all of which are important components for achieving a normal vaginal birth.

It's important to remember that labor pain is natural and normal, and it is an essential sensation for the laboring woman. Pain indicates the strong need for the mother to connect her body with her spirit and mind during labor. The painful contractions can challenge the core of her true being and awaken her spirituality, allowing nature to take its course with high power. During this challenge, her body is strengthened, her energy is refueled, her spirit is nourished, and her mind is engaged. The mother emerges from birth as a new person with enhanced spirituality through an instinctive emotional experience.

However, any fear, doubt, or concerns about labor pain and the ability to give birth can block the production of oxytocin and cause stress to both the mother and baby, leading to prolonged and obstructed labor and unnecessary medical interventions such as epidurals, instrumental deliveries, or even c-sections.

The mind, body, and spirit connection is also crucial for the new mother and her baby after birth. Oxytocin is responsible for breast milk ejection during breastfeeding and bonding with the newborn. Any feelings of low confidence, shame, doubt, fear, stress, anxiety, and depression can greatly impact breastfeeding and bonding quality. A loving spirit and mindset can make for an easy transition to motherhood by bringing a high level of oxytocin. A low level of oxytocin can greatly impact the mother's milk supply and cause feeding difficulties, which can negatively impact the baby's physical and intellectual growth and lead to artificial formula feeding, potentially harming the baby's health.



In conclusion, as human beings, we are more than just our physical bodies. We are spiritual beings having a human experience on this planet, and our mind, body, and spirit are all connected. Our thoughts, which are produced by the mind, have a direct impact on how our brain and body function and this connection is influenced by our spiritual connection to a higher power.

Being mindful and embracing our spirituality can have significant benefits for our health and well-being, particularly for pregnant women and their babies. Connecting the mind, body, and spirit during pregnancy, labor, and birth can greatly improve the outcome for both the mother and the baby and make the journey a more fulfilling and meaningful experience.

In Part 2 of our blog series "The Mind-Body-Spirit in Childbirth," we will dive deeper into how to experience and enhance the mind, body, and spirit connection during childbirth. We will explore practical ways to connect with your inner self, manage labor pain, and make the most of this unique journey.

Follow me to learn more and make the most of your childbirth experience.


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Grace Wang

I am a catalyst for transformation, helping women find the strength and resilience within themselves to embark on a journey of inner healing. My mission is to remind women that childbirth wounds are not their fault, and that they have the power to choose how they live their lives in the aftermath of their experiences. By healing ourselves from the inside out, we can not only improve our own well-being, but also create a positive ripple effect on those around us, including our children and families.

As the founder and CEO of Childbirth Collective, I have created a safe and nurturing space where women can find support in healing from childbirth-related traumas. Through this community, women can rediscover their sense of self and come back home to themselves. We believe in the power of letting go of limiting beliefs that no longer serve us and replacing them with expansive and supportive ones.

Together, we can create a movement of women who are empowered to heal and thrive in the aftermath of their childbirth experiences. I am honored to be a part of this journey with each and every one of you.


Why Becoming a Mother is More Than Just a Physical Transformation


"Am I my body?" Mind-body-spirit in childbirth (Part two) - Empowering Pregnant Women through Mind, Body, Spirit Connection